Hey this is my first blog but I have a lot to say.
My name is Frank, but my friends call me Doctor, long story.
I shoot extreme sports, Motocross, Skate Boarding, Rodeo, Hockey, Skying, and Snow Boarding.
I use a Nikon D700 with vertical grip. I use the 18-200mm, 24-120mm, 24-70mm, 70-200mm, 120-300mm, 50mm, 85mm, and a 120mm lenses.
I use alien bee's strobes and fire them with pocket wizards. And yes I shoot faster than 250th of a sec. and still have a a full frame. Yes I know everyone says its impossible but I will go into that in a later blog.
I have been shooting since I was 13 and have been published in multiple national magazines. I am currently going to the Art Institute of Colorado. Once I graduate i plane to shoot by myself or Sports Illustrated.
Here is the link to my website gallagher.photoreflect.com